More than a thousand actors to play side roles in Red Dead Redemption 2
More than a thousand actors to play side roles in Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 More awesome details are available every day about Red Dead Redemption 2, which amazed the people who tried it and shared their experiences with several impressions.
Although this information is not enough, the developer has published other information about the game that shows its magnitude and depth. The Rockstar Intel account on Twitter said that the team used about 1,000 representatives to play non-playable side roles in the game.
This figure is very huge without a doubt and it came because of the desire of the team to have each character in the game character and private and interact with us realistically and naturally.
Red Dead Redemption 2 will see Native American Indians as the original characters of the game and will undoubtedly play a part in the game.
The system of honor or reputation has been greatly improved in this game as anything that the player plays will be reflected in its reputation and will not be linear as it was in the last part, and the musical influences will change to adapt to the player's actions, character and facial expressions.
The purchase of weapons in the game from shops dedicated to the sale of weapons can be done by browsing catalogs as real life as these catalogs will include pictures and information about weapons in the game, which number about 50 weapons varied.
In conclusion, it was confirmed that the relationship between Arthur and the horse will deepen the more Arthur's time for his horse and there are 4 levels in the relationship between him and the horse and at each level will vary horse reaction and response to the player and the way to control it.